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At LLRIET, your career and education start from day one. We believe that the most successful graduates are the ones that, despite the pressure of their studies, take a proactive approach to creating a plan for their futures. LLRIET is committed to supporting students and graduates in their efforts of obtaining employment and developing a platform for a successful �delivers a dynamic range of services to help support students build upon and develop their true potential. In utilising our career development services, such as career counselling, workshops and forums, we aim to support students with their career aspirations. Our dedicated team provides students with professional development in a supportive and caring environment, helping them prepare for their future career.
The skills students developed whilst studying at LLRIET will provide life long lessons to be drawn upon your career. Access to the Alumni resources continues to support graduates with career needs.
Ms. Simranjit Kaur, Dean (Training & Placements)
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